Monday, December 08, 2008

How to get backlinks to your blog?

This guy has an interesting idea about how to get backlinks to your blog:

How FeedBurner Email subscription looks like in Blogger

Grega and Tatie!

Here, I found this blog:

which look like very similar to my: He is using same blogspot templaste as mine. On the right column you can see Delivered by Feed Burner window for the new subscriubers to subscribe. It looks nice, even in french:)

The blog also have a small feedburner logo with the number of subscribers, which sends you to: It might be thyt this is the feed that FeedBurner generates.

So it's possible that there are still 2 feed, one on blogspot and one on feed burner. And that feed burner register all the traffic on both of them.?

FeedBurner - Why use it?

Gregor and Tatie, hi! Here, I have seen how Feed Burner e-mail subscription works. It's a nice mail icon on the right top of the page. If you use it, it redirects you to subscription page, where you put in your email, and than FeedBurner sends you a activation mail.

Tatie, for you it could be usefull, if you looke at: Millionaire Club Recommendations, at the right side of the blog, which send you to t what it looks like an affiliate programe of amazone. The guy actually recomends book for reading.

Still I don't understand it Blogger and FeedBurner feed can coexist?

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Are we entering in the virtual worlds?

Game market is producing some of the most astonishing virtual worlds. Since even worlds created by open source communities began catching up with large industries and because competition is tough and profit margins big, companies are trying to find new way to gain customers.

The latest method seems to be to give them more advanced interfaces. These interfaces provide better interaction with virtual worlds. At the moment most computers use keyboards and mouse for interaction with various programmes. Some use joysticks as well. Consoles use controllers to control action on the TV.

But since everyone has those already companies are inventing new things. Nintendo Wii uses sensors to track your motions across the room. Microsoft is betting on touch tables. Gesture devices are being developed. Hmm, can’t wait for mind interface.

All these interfaces bring more of the virtual worlds in our real world. They increase immersion – which became one of main selling points for various virtual environments. But as they connect us more to the virtual world they also distance us more from the real world. And it seems that the border between reality and virtual worlds is becoming more and more blurry.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Big brother really wants to have a look at your files

Are you sharing large free open source files over internet? Prepare to get banned.

Under new proposal, currently considered in EU parliament, users would be banned if they shared "illegal content". And just what is that? Well all the movies, music, games you might share with your friends. And how will they know what you are doing? They plan to tap into your download to see what you are downloading. But wait, you will say, I share encrypted files. Well then they will just check the file size and kick you off the net. So if you child is doing something illegal, you will get banned. If someone in the office did it - the whole company might get kicked off the net.

There are of course a couple of conflict areas this law is getting into. Like for example privacy. Imagine that a friend you are talking to over a phone has nice background music in his room. That would be copyright violation, because you did not pay the price for that copy and neither did he for distributing it. So you are chatting about this and that, while all this time there is someone listening to you. And if they hear the music (along with other things you talk about) they just might take your phone line away. Does that look like a repressive regime to you? Well in my opinion it is. And all that because these people can not adapt to new online market. They fail to understand that people would like to hear only one song, or to see a certain movie only once. Instead they keep selling things for multiple uses and consequentially they are more expensive.

Ironically the supporters of such drastic action seem to come from the very same people that used to despise regimes like the Soviet regime or Nazi regimes. This basically did the same with then available technology. The difference is that those regimes gained power through these means, while these corporations are counting to get some money along with it as well.

The brilliant minds still do not know how they will force you to decrypt the data - a popper encryption takes a very long time to be decoded. Perhaps they plan to use water boarding techniques - they seem to do well occasionally.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Old market should give way to online market

Finally, one might say! This is a thing I can relate to! Consider this – a Dell Vostro computer (which by the way runs perfectly with Ubuntu Linux) that is ment to help to help smaller companies get a good start (i.e. good price with older AMD processors) has a huge price difference depending in which region you are buying it. And you HAVE TO buy it in your own country. That’s the policy of Dell. But what difference I am talking about here? Well consider this – the computer is cheaper if you buy it in USA and send it over the ocean to Slovenia via DHL than buying it here. In fact you could almost buy two of those. Buy it in Germany you will pay 350-400 EUR for it. Buy it here you will pay over 1100 EUR. Note there are no customs and transport costs from Germany to would be no more than 50 EUR. But you can not buy it in Germany, you HAVE TO buy it here, where the price is higher. Why? Isn’t EU a single market now? Isn’t that the whole as well as the fundamental idea of European Union?! Single market should eventually also have same prices, or at least prices that wouldn’t vary too much - probably salaries as well. The national governments have too much power in certain things and there should be some consensus on all this. At least that way we could feel like Union. Right now the only people that feel the union are manufacturers who don’t’ have to pay customs anymore to sell goods in other countries.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

100%+ Traffic Increase

I' ve seen these blog about How to encrease traffic on your blog. Have you seen it?

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Beware! They are watching YOU!

It appears that a real battle is raging on issue of online privacy. But is there any debate needed on this issue? After all who would want to someone in their house watching what they are doing? Taking your data (whether you know they are doing it or are living in perception that they don’t really do that) and analyzing it just seems wrong. Imagine having someone bending over your shoulder while you surf the internet. And each time you would for example read a news about political situation in Thailand he would offer you a ticket or to book you a hotel. Does that seem normal to everyone?!? That must be the case, because they are already doing it. While this kind of behaviour may be considered only as annoying, collecting data to connect with services is not such a simple thing. As someone put it – imagine you are looking for a book on cancer and your insurance office gets that data? Would they still give you your usual bonus?

Why do they collect all this personal data? They say it is all meant only to help us. True it could be used to help a user, but it could be also used to abuse. Point is it’s simply not a safe thing to do. Besides that, why do you need to give your age, gender, race and home address just to read some extra news? Does that seem a normal thing? Or is that extending and strengthening the control over individuals and their decisions in virtual worlds?

And if you ask me – no they don’t have the right to monitor what I am downloading, no they don’t have the right to monitor what programmes I run on MY computer, and no they don’t have the right to look over my shoulder while I surf the web. Period.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Internet marketing

I find this video very usefull.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

How to survive in beyond reality world

Grega, I've found these video from Affiliate Summit 2006, down in the video area about surviving in internet world. Maybe you and Tatie could comment, if you agree with what the guy in video says? Specialiy I am interested in using a blog for a commerial purpose.

Emotions in virtual world

So far emotions in virtual worlds have been limited to text messages or so called “emoticons” or “smileys”. Users had no other way of expressing their emotions. Sure one could use capital letters to simulate screaming, but were they in fact really screaming or just forgot to turn off the “caps lock”? Same goes for various sounds and “smileys”. If someone said they were happy or posted a happy face, were they really happy or they just stated that? With advance in digital graphics faces or avatars in virtual worlds got their expression. But that expression is still controlled in a conscious way. So even though we may be looking to a happy face on monitor the user sending that signal could just as well feel sad and depressed. This masking of true emotions is often used in online dating. Where person might not turn out to be in real life what he is online.

But it seems progress has been made on this area. A company Emotiv made an affordable controller that actually uses brainwaves to control action on the screen. You feel happy? The character feels happy. You want to grab something? The character grabs something. Even though technology was available before it wasn’t affordable nor was it practical. Now it seems a breakthrough has been made. Once the prices drop even more we can expect social behaviour of people in MMORPG and in virtual worlds to change. It will be much harder to conceal emotions if you use this kind of device. So there is a question how many people will actually like that fact. After all internet gave the freedom to chat and connect juts because the people could represent themselves differently as they do in real life. As simple glimpse on their chosen nicknames will show you that - RazorBlade, Casper, Subzero and Devious just to name a few. They all show these people that use them inspire to be someone else (or at least to be known as someone else) on internet.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Building social network by playing computer games?

Is that even possible? Games are often defined as something evil and a waste of time. Sure there are plenty of them (if not all) that are meant to entertain those who need to be entertained. Bu they can be more than that as well.

Often clusters and networks that are created by modern computer games are not seen and hence the focus is shifter to other things. Such as for example in-game violence. But many games often have their own (sometimes large) community. People meet on these community sites or spots and chat. The structure almost seems to follow a certain pattern. And it might even be worthwhile investigating form social science point of view. A quick look on any forums will tell you have basically 3 major topics. The game - where people discuss "the coolness" and "awesomeness" of the particular game. Then there is a help section - where people come to ask help. And then there is the chat section. A quick view on any gaming forum will show where most posts are. In the chat section - where people just interact, debate and exchange information on topics that are not related to the game (moderators take care that that is the case).

One might say that debate over other topics prevails over game discussion. After all a lot of games leave nothing to discuss about. A few options, a few quirks, glitches and bugs. And that's it... But the chat section it's filled with various topics. From personal problems of members, to daily politics, sports and events.

The only problem is that these networks don’t seem to be stable. People come, stay, people go. The only more stable ones are the ones dedicated to the project. Yet again they last only until the project lasts.

An interesting project is Mount & Blade. Started by a small team - husband and wife - it evolved fast with help of a large community and mod developers. With many followers and many people already purchased the unfinished game (project?!) it seems to be a success.

There are plenty options available through modifications. The biggest one is to easily represent the history of a country through game and offer it to other people to experience it. An example is 100 years war mod or Holy War mod. Too bad there is no “Slovenia in middle ages” mod. But there are Slovenians participating in development of othe rmods. Well at least something I guess….