So when i saw this picture:
It made me laugh, but at the same time it's a bit frightening. Google is well known for it's control over your emails and various other stuff they have. They are constantly scanning the users. So beware! You have been WARNED!
1. What concerns me is not so much that Goole is scanning my emails and spam my interface with targeted lins to ads - that I noticed only for the first time and then never again, but if the data about me stays in his possession or are they sold to outer google's clients or incorporated in some larger connected databases....
2. what kind of contract has been made between google and china authorities?
3. did you hear anything about the news that china will make an alternative domain system and consequently a new internet platform? (new scientist magazine)
China and Google made a deal in which google filters certain searches that might be considered unlawfull according to Chinese law.
China practically already has "alternative domain system" because everyhting passes through some sort of firewall. Everyhting is "cleaned" (censored). BUt if they cut off the internet completelly it will do them no good. Because besides from pr0n, foul words etc. knowledge is alos transmitted via internet. Cutting of knowledge is like cutting off your roots.
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